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Pertanyaan audit ISO 50001

Catatan pertanyaan auditor dapat dibaca di bawah ini. Catatan ini dari seorang anggota QualityClub yang berkesempatan ikut serta dalam  audit eksternal  ISO 5001:2018 di perusahaan tempatnya bekerja. Proses audit berlangsung secara remote dengan mengunakan media sosial Zoom, WhatsApp dan Dropbox.  Berikut ini catatan dokumen-dokumen yang diminta auditor ISO 50001:2018: Days 1 CONTEXT ORGANIZATION 1. Previous evidence of CAR (finding Minor and Observation) for us to verify and close out. 2. List of internal & external ISO 50001:2018 issues 3. List of needs and expectations of interested parties ISO 50001:2018 4. Manual of Energy Management System ISO 50001:2018 5. ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System Policy 6. Communication procedures and their records include the Energy Management System ISO 50001:2018 communication matrix 7. Compliance Obligation & Evaluation Procedure of Compliance Energy Management System ISO 50001:2018 8. List of compliance obligations and evaluation of